HBYC has an extensive organized cruising program.

Destinations have included weekends at Kelleys Island, Vermilion, Leamington, Huron, Pelee Island, and Put In Bay;  as well as long distance vacation cruises.

HBYC members and family in Toledo during the 10 Day Cruise of 2018.

Usually 10 to 20 boats with families and friends will rendezvous at the selected port.  Upon arrival you will probably find a member ready to grab a mooring line for your HBYC reserved dock space.  

Cruisers have been known to enjoy great conversations, breakfast feasts, scavenger hunts, cookouts, wine & cheese parties, biking, local attractions, pubs, and restaurants.

2023 Cruise schedule

Cruise information will be updated as information becomes available. Stay in touch with Marianne Egget, our Cruise Director for latest information on cruises.

6/2 - 6/4 - Kelleys Island - Seaway Marina.  (12 NM)

6/9 - 6/11  - Port Clinton Yacht Club.  (24NM)

6/30 - 7/3 - Leamington, Canada.  (40NM)

7/14 - 7/16 -Middle Bass Island Music Festival.  (21NM)

Extended Cruise #1 Mid-Eastern Lake Erie

7/28 - Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina to Lorain.  (32NM)

7/29 - Lorain to Cleveland.  (26NM)

7/31 - Option 1 to stay in Cleveland, or Option 2 Travel to Mentor Harbor.

8/1 - Travel to Erieau, Canada.  (56NM)

8/4  - Erieau to Pelee Island, Canada.  (56NM)

8/4 - 8/6  Pelee Island, Canada

Extended Cruise #2  Western Lake Erie

8/6 - Pelee Island, Canada to Toledo Yacht Club.  (44NM)

8/8 - Toledo Yacht Club to Safe Harbor Toledo Beach Marina.  (12NM)

8/10 - Safe Harbor Toledo Beach Marina to Put In Bay Yacht Club.  (33NM)

8/11 or 8/12 - Put In Bay Yacht Club to Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina.  (21NM)

8/18 - 8/20 - Huron Boat Basin.  (16NM)

9/1 - 9/4 - Vermilion.  (22NM)

*All dates are subject to change.  Cruisers will be notified prior to any changes.

Distances are measured in Nautical Miles (NM) and are from Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina, or the previous destination as otherwise noted.

Cruise Coordinators Needed!   All cruises must have a cruise coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for communicating with the folks at the destination marina, scheduling activities, scheduling transportation (if necessary), and conducting a Captain's meeting the morning the cruisers depart. Coordination duties are a great way to become active with the club. Contact Marianne Egget, our Cruise Director if you wish to coordinate any cruise.  Of course, the Cruise Director and past cruise coordinators will be more than willing to lend a hand.


Cruising for Members

There is an annual cruising fee per participating boat to cover the club’s cruising-related costs such as coffee, pastries, supplies, space rental, etc.

Cruising for Non-Members

The Harbor Bay Yacht Club invites non-members to participate in a cruise of their choice. Non-members are allowed to take one cruise per year with HBYC.

This invitation is on a space available and first-come first-serve basis. 'Space Available' is based upon the number of openings for a given cruise 7 days prior to the cruise. The following is a brief outline of requirements:

  • Cost $20 cruise fee- which will be returned if the cruise is full with HBYC members.

  • Sign up can start as early as cruise schedule is available and fee is paid.

  • Boat owner will be notified 5-7 days before cruise if room is available.

  • Boat owner pays for own dockage and participates in HBYC planned agenda.

  • Boat owner must show a boating club membership card or be docked at Sandusky Harbor Marina.

cruise pics on website.jpg