Membership Meeting #1
First Membership Meeting of the year! All HBYC members are requested to attend if available!

Social #1: Commodore's Dinner
Join our new 2025 Commodore Sean Leengran and Lady Laura for their official “Commodore’s Dinner” as our first social of the year.
Food and live music from Venyx LTE!! They’ll be rocking the house until 10pm!

Blessing of the Fleet
Join us at the Marina Pavilion for our annual Blessing of the Fleet Ceremony!

Cruise #1: Kelleys Island
Our first group cruise of 2025! Join us at SeaWay Marina on Kelleys Island.
Stay tuned for more details to follow!

Sailing Race #1: Cruiser Fun Race
HBYC’s First Sailing Race!
Skipper Meeting 9:30am
Race Starts @ Noon
Easy course to sail in either direction:
Open starting window
Self-timed start and finish
“Special Crewsing Credits” to be announced
For more details, contact Larry Hurst, Racing Committee Chair

Membership Meeting #2
Second Membership Meeting of the year! All HBYC members are requested to attend if available!

Social #2: Sponsored by F & Outside Dock
Join us for our Second Social of the year! This one will be sponsored by F and our Outside Dockers!
Food and our own HBYC DJ’s will be spinning the tunes until the late evening!

Cruise #3: Middle Bass Island/Put in Bay
Join us for Cruise #3: Middle Bass Island / Put In Bay
More details to follow!

Extended Cruise 1: Oasis North Coast Marina, Cleveland
Our first extended cruise destination is the Oasis North Coast Marina in Cleveland! Join us for 2 days of fun in downtown Cleveland right next to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum, the Browns Stadium, and many more.
Contact Marianne Eggett, cruise director for more information!

Extended Cruise 1: Mentor Harbor Yacht Club
Our second extended cruise destination is the Mentor Harbor Yacht Club Join us here for a night of fun as we continue on to further East destinations!
Contact Marianne Eggett, cruise director for more information!

Extended Cruise 1: Geneva Marina
Our third extended cruise destination is the Geneva Marina. Join us here at the beautiful Geneva-On-The-Lake State Park for a few days, as we continue on to further East destinations!
Contact Marianne Eggett, cruise director for more information!

Extended Cruise 1: Erie Yacht Club
For our fourth destination on the extended cruise, We’ll be at the beautiful Erie Yacht Club in Erie, PA. Celebrate the 4th of July Holiday Weekend here with us!
Contact Marianne Eggett, cruise director for more information!

Extended Cruise 1: Return to Geneva Marina
Our fifth destination on the Extended Cruise visits Geneva Marina at Geneva-On-The-Lake State Park as we head back west! We’ll be here for 2 days.
Contact Marianne Eggett, cruise director for more information!

Extended Cruise 1: Return to Mentor Harbor Yacht Club
Our sixth destination on the extended cruise brings us back to Mentor Harbor Yacht Club for one night as we return west towards our home port!
Contact Marianne Eggett, cruise director for more information!

Extended Cruise 1: Edgewater Yacht Club
Our sixth and final destination on the Extended Cruise visits Edgewater Yacht Club in Cleveland as we head back west! We’ll stay here two days, and point our boats back west on Sunday 7/13.
Contact Marianne Eggett, cruise director for more information!

Sailing Race #2: Stein Hospice Race in the Bay
HBYC’s Second and Most Popular Sailing Race, to benefit Stein Hospice in Sandusky OH.
Skipper Meeting 9:30am
Race Starts @ Noon.
Pursuit race format with start time assigned
Planned 6-12nm courses around Sandusky Bay
One design classes are welcome
Special social and dinner in the evening
Flags will be presented to top three in each division
Overall winner will be awarded the Stein Hospice Cup and will qualify for the 2026 National Regatta
For more details, contact Larry Hurst, Racing Committee Chair

Membership Meeting #3
Third Membership Meeting of the year! All HBYC members are requested to attend if available!

Social #3: Sponsored by A & C Docks
Join us for our Third Social of the year! This one will be sponsored by A & C Docks!
Food and live music from Barricade!

Assist the Ironman 70.1 Tournament in Downtown Sandusky
Grab your kayak and head down to downtown Sandusky to help keep the Ironman 70.1 swimmers safe! See past commodore Rick Billheimer for more information!

I-LYA Powerboat Regatta
Powerboaters unite!
The 132nd Annual I-LYA Powerboat Regatta will be hosted at Put In Bay from Wednesday July 23-Sunday July 27th. The event hosts docking competitions, races, games, food, and of course, entertainment and beverages.

Cruise #4: Huron Boat Basin
Our fourth cruise takes us to the Huron Boat Basin in Huron OH.
Contact Marianne Eggett, cruise director for more information!

I-LYA Sailing Regatta, Put In Bay
Join your fellow sailors at the regatta at Put In Bay!

Racing: I-LYA Senior Sailing Regatta @ Put In Bay
Spinnaker, JAM, and Cruising Classes
Races around the islands
See I-LYA.com for details and registration

Racing: SSC Island Race for Leukemia
Join our friends from Sandusky Sailing Club for the Island race to benefit Leukemia care.
• Cedar Point, around Kelley's Island, and back
For more details see Larry Hurst, Racing Committee Chair

Forest City Yacht Club Visiting HBYC
Our I-LYA friends from Forest City Yacht Club in Cleveland will be visiting HBYC this weekend, and bringing around 20 boats! Let’s show them a great time!

AYC Poker Run Cruise: Ford Yacht Club
Join us for an AYC Regatta party at the Ford Yacht Club in Grosse Isle, MI at the mouth of the Detroit River! These are some FUN parties with live music, food, and plenty of good times with our AYC friends.
Contact Rick Billheimer for more information!

Sailing Race #3: Cruiser Fun Race 2
HBYC’s Third Sailing Race, Cruiser Fun Race #2
Skipper Meeting 9:30am
Race Starts @ Noon.
Easy course to sail in either direction
Open starting window
Self-timed start and finish
“Special Crewsing Credits” to be announced
For more information, contact Larry Hurst, Racing Committee Chair

Membership Meeting #4
Fourth Membership Meeting of the year! All HBYC members are requested to attend if available!

Social #4: Sponsored by E Dock
Join us for our Fourth Social of the year. This one is sponsored by E Dock.
Food and live music from The Late Show Band, of Tiffin, OH.

Sailing Race #4: Cruiser Fun Race 3 to Vermilion
Join us for the annual race to Vermilion, and stay for the long holiday weekend!
Open start - Self timed
For more information, contact Larry Hurst, Racing Committee Chair

Cruise #5: Vermilion
Join us for our annual tradition of cruising to Vermilion! Enjoy a few days in this picturesque waterfront town with great food, shopping and entertainment! We’ve got the entire Waterworks City dock reserved, with additional slips at McGarvey’s Landing as a standby. Stay tuned for more information!

AYC Poker Run Cruise: Detroit Beach Boat Club
AYC Poker Run @ Detroit Beach Boat Club in Monroe MI.
Join us for a weekend of fun, food, beverages, and live music!
Contact Rick Billheimer for more information!

Sailing Race #4: Youth Education Race
HBYC’s Fourth Sailing Race, to benefit Youth Education
Skipper Meeting 9:30am
Stay tuned for more details.

Membership Meeting #5
Fifth Membership Meeting of the year! All HBYC members are requested to attend if available!

Social #5: Sponsored by B & D Docks
Join us for our Fifth and last social of the year! Sponsored by D & B Docks
Food and tunes will be provided by our HBYC DJ’s.

Safe Harbor Sandusky Open House
Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina is having their annual open house, and we’re one of the stops!
Come up to the marina, hang out at the clubhouse, and welcome potential new members!! HBYC is planning to provide some snacks and likely some cocktails.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please get in contact with Commodore Sean Leengran, we could definitely use some extra help and volunteers.

AYC 2025 Winter Ball
Join all of our new AYC friends at the annual AYC Winter Ball in Detroit MI! Two full days of food, fun and entertainment await. 2025’s theme is Jimmy Buffett/Margaritaville. There will be live entertainment, and more food and drinks than you can imagine! For more information, get in touch with our AYC Delegates Rick Billheimer and Brian Homer!

HBYC Winter Rendezvous & Change of Watch Ceremony
Our annual Winter Rendezvous Weekend is scheduled for Friday January 31 - Sunday Feb 2nd, and will be held at Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center. This year’s theme is “Around the World By Sea”.
Watch your email for an itinerary, which will include an optional bus trip to a fellow nearby AYC Yacht Club for afternoon enjoyment before the ceremony on Saturday.
Saturday night will feature a buffet meal (see email for ticket information), cash bar, the traditional Change of Watch ceremony welcoming our new Commodore Sean Leengran, and live entertainment from Jordan & Josh.

Social #5: A & F Dock
Our fifth and final social will be hosted by A & F Docks.
F & A Dock's "Tailgate Party" will provide hot dogs, bratwursts and smoked sausages with a plethora of toppings, Macaroni and Cheese, Salad & Desserts. Please feel free to wear items supporting your favorite sports team to get into the tailgating spirit! Jamey Leigh will be providing the entertainment outside, so let's close out the season with a great time!
Cost is $7 per person, please try to sign up prior to the event in the clubhouse so we can get a good headcount. If you're unable to make it to the clubhouse this weekend to sign up, send an email to leengran@gmail.com and we'll get you on the list!

Membership Meeting #5
Fifth Membership Meeting of the year! All HBYC members are requested to attend if available!

Sailing Race #4: September Regatta
Sailing Race #4: September Regatta
Stay tuned for more info.

Safe Harbor Marina Labor Day Celebration
Celebrate the Labor Day Holiday with Safe Harbor Marina. Music, Beer, & Food will be provided on the lawn. More details to follow

Cruise #6: Vermilion
Join us for a fun filled Labor Day Weekend in Vermilion! We will stay or “take over” the Water Works Municipal Docks for the holiday weekend.
More details to follow, stay tuned!

Extended Cruise #2: PIB/Middle Bass to Toledo
Our second extended cruise will cover the following ports:
8/15-8/16, Put In Bay, or Middle Bass Island
8/16-8/18 Bayview Yacht Club / Toledo Yacht Club
8/18-8/19, Return to Put In Bay/MBI
More details to come!
Social #4: C & D Dock
Our fourth social will be hosted by C & D Docks. Food, theme, and entertainment details will be provided soon! Stay tuned for details.

Membership Meeting #4
Fourth Membership Meeting of the year! All HBYC members are requested to attend if available!

Sailing Race #3: Cruiser Fun Race
Sailing Race #3: Cruiser Fun Race
Stay tuned for more details.

Cruise #5: Huron Boat Basin
Join us for a trip to the Huron Boat Basin.
Stay tuned for more details.

I-LYA Sail Regatta, Put in Bay
Join your fellow sailors at the regatta at Put In Bay!
More details to come, stay tuned!

Safe Harbor & HBYC Family Fun Day
Second annual Family Fun Day collaborating with Safe Harbor Marina to put on fun activities for kids of all ages. The marina will be providing a sweet treat! Meet at the SHM pavilion at 11AM

Safe Harbor Marina Christmas in July Dock Crawl
Join us for Safe Harbor Marina’s 2nd Annual Christmas in July Dock Crawl! Participants on each dock will have a signature beverage and snack at their boats. Get a chance to try new beverages and snacks, and more importantly, meet and greet our Marina neighbors! Music will be provided on the lawn. More details to follow.

Social #3: E-Dock Pig Roast
Our third social will be hosted by E-Dock.
Pig Roast, provided by Stampede BBQ. Tickets are $15 pre-paid by July 6th. Price may vary at the door on the date of event.
Live Music from After Dark until 10pm!

Membership Meeting #3
Third Membership Meeting of the year! All HBYC members are requested to attend if available!

Sailing Race #2: Race in the Bay for Stein Hospice
Sailing Race #2: Race in the Bay for Stein Hospice
One of the largest races of the season! Make sure and visit our Racing page for all the details, and registration info!
Race in the afternoon, stay for the social, enjoy the BBQ, beverages, live entertainment until 10pm!
Special Commemorative UV Shirts will be available to purchase for participants and supporters, and portions of all sales of food, merchandise and beverages will benefit the Stein Hospice Organization.

Cruise #4: Middle Bass Island
Join us at Middle Bass State Park Marina for the Middle Bass Music Festival weekend!
Stay tuned for more details to follow!

Safe Harbor Marina 4th of July Celebration
Safe Harbor Marina will be providing food, music, and beer for their Annual 4th of July celebration on the lawn.

Extended Cruise #1: Leamington to Lake St. Clair
Join us on our Extended Cruise, from Leamington-Ontario, Canada to visit the following ports:
Windsor Yacht Club - 7/2-7/4
William G. Millike Marina - 7/4-7/5
Lake St. Clair MetroPark Marina - 7/5-7/8
Grosse Point Yacht Club - 7/8-7/11
Ford Yacht Club - 7/11-7/12
Cruise will meet up with HBYC Cruise # 4 @ Middle Bass Island for the Music Fest on 7/12
More Details to Follow, stay tuned!

Cruise #3: Leamington-Ontario, Canada
Our second cruise of 2024! Join us at Leamington Municipal Marina on the Canadian Mainland.
Stay tuned for more details to follow!

Cruise #2 Port Clinton Yacht Club
Join for our second cruise this season, this time heading to Port Clinton Yacht Club!

Safe Harbor Marina Parrothead Party
Safe Harbor Marina is hosting their annual Parrothead Party on the lawn! There will be tropical themed music, beer, food, and frozen beverage mixers provided! More details to come.

Cruise #1: Kelleys Island
Our first group cruise of 2024! Join us at SeaWay Marina on Kelleys Island.
Stay tuned for more details to follow!
Social #2: B-Dock and Outside Members
Our second social will be hosted by B-Dock and our Outside Members. Theme and entertainment details will be provided soon! Stay tuned for details.