Stein Hospice Race in the Bay Rescheduled

By P/C and Race Director - Larry Hurst

We had six boats sign up for the race last Saturday. The sun came out and it was a beautiful day with wind consistently at or above our 20 knot limit. The gusts would have made for some sporty / spirited sailing, unfortunately we had to abandon the race.

Attached is the Notice of Race for the RITB rescheduled for Aug 8. Click here to learn more —> Stein Hospice RITB Reschedule

This will be in place of the second Cruiser Fun Race. If you registered to race and paid the entry fee, you do not have to do it again. We also welcome anyone who wants to join in the fun.

Stein Hospice has reopened the window to order t-shirts until July 29. You can order by calling Tamara —-> Call for a shirt

Greetings from the Rear Commodore:

Hi everyone,  just wanted to give you updates about this coming weekend.  We have a fun weekend planned and I hope that many of you will be able to join us this Saturday, July 11th for a full day of activities.   Starting out with Race-In -The-Bay for Stein Hospice, the Skippers meeting is going to be held at 10:00 AM at the HBYC Club House (note, this is a different time than what it says on the calendar on our website).  We ask that only the Skippers attend so that social distancing can be maintained.    The  Race itself will start around 12 Noon.  All details about the race can be directed to Larry Hurst, Race Committee Chairman at (614)395-8035, at, or see him in person at Dock C-101 Sandusky Harbor Marina.  After the race, there will be a General Membership Meeting at the clubhouse starting at 4 pm.  This meeting will be held both in person and virtually via Zoom to make sure we can accommodate as many as possible in the safest way possible.    

A separate email will be sent with the Zoom meeting link.

After the meeting from 4-5 pm, we will plan on breaking for dinner on your own and then reconvene  at 7 pm for the start of Game Night. We will be gathering outside to have some fun doing Bocce Ball, Cornhole (beanbag toss) or other outdoor games.  Please feel free to bring a game with you if you have any that you would like to share.   At 8 pm, we will be having a 50/50 raffle.  Please see any trustee, Bridge Officer or Committee officer to purchase tickets.  The proceeds will be going to Stein Hospice.  The tickets are $1.00 a piece, 6 for $5.00, 13 tickets for $10 (or 26 for $20.00 !).    Please purchase tickets and let's raise some money for a good cause.  

Due to the fact that we were unable to do our usual social event with food and entertainment, we appropriated those funds for a direct donation to Stein Hospice.  We will holding the raffle virtually via the same Zoom link noted above.   If you want to purchase tickets and are not going to be in attendance, we can arrange a virtual payment scenario.  Let me know if you want to do this, and hopefully, I can figure out an acceptable way to do this given our need for such technology in the age of COVID-19.  I hope all of you are well and enjoying your summer.   If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to reach out to me at this email address.    

Until then, my best, Janell Lundgren, Rear Commodore

Welcome New Members

Please join the HBYC Bridge and Membership Director Brenda Marcks in welcoming new members:

  • David Behun on a 25' Bayliner

  • Dan Bulzan and Debbie Paul
    Movin 'On - Caliber 28 on B59

Be sure to check out the Members Only page. You will find an updated HBYC Roster done by Sue Henry. Thanks Sue!


Racing News

By P/C and Race Director - Larry Hurst

First off, thanks to everyone who participated in the Fun Race on June 13th. We had seven boats in the race, most noteworthy we had a few first time racers. Lake Erie provided favorable, but spirited winds. Congratulations to everyone! A great start to the season!


Things are coming together nicely for the Stein Hospice Race in the Bay. Sailing Instructions are posted. Click here —-> Racing Page

Skippers - don’t forget. I need your racing t-shirt order by July 1st I will deliver the shirts at the Skippers meeting race day morning.

Click her to learn how to order you T-Shirt —-> Stein Hospice Shirt


Stein Hospice Race “Waypoints” Set

Race Director Larry Hurst has finalized details for this year’s Stein Hospice Race in the Bay.

Race-In-The-Bay for 
Stein Hospice 

Stein Hospice, Sandusky Harbor Marina, and Harbor Bay Yacht Club
invite you to participate in the Race-In-The-Bay (RITB) for Stein Hospice.

The overall winner will be awarded the Stein Hospice Cup and will be eligible to participate in the 2021 Hospice National Championship Regatta. 

Rules: The race will be governed by the ‘The Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020 including US Sailing Prescriptions’, this Notice of Race, and the Sailing Instructions. PHRFJAM Rules will be in effect. Handicaps will be determined by the Race Committee based on PHR-LE base handicap and cruising credits if a PHRF-LE certificate is not available. Each boat shall conform to its own class rules for cruising and safety equipment.

Eligibility:  All owners / skippers are invited to participate.  All boats must be mono hull sailboats, 20' LOA or greater, and must meet US Coast Guard equipment requirements.  

Entry Fee and Forms:  The entry fee is $35.00.  Advance registration is required to determine the start times. Registration forms can be obtained here —> HBYC Racing.  Deadline for entry is July 9, 2020.

Sailing Instructions:  The Sailing Instructions (SI) will be posted on the HBYC website by July 1. A skippers' meeting will be held at 10:00 AM race day at the HBYC clubhouse. The race will start at approximately 12:00 PM. We will use a pursuit format with handicap time allowance applied at the start. The first boat to finish wins.

Course:  The course will be around temporary marks and navigation aids set in Sandusky Bay. Waypoints and courses will be in the SI. HBYC will decide the course and location of the start/finish line as late as the morning of the race based upon wind and weather conditions. Details will be announced at the skippers’ meeting.

Stein Hospice T-Shirts

Due to the uncertainty of our social events and concerns for spreading the COVID-19 virus, Stein-Hospice will not be available at the clubhouse to sell T-Shirts. Instead, they will take your orders by phone. Following is the artwork for this year, the types of shirts available, the pricing, and the procedure.

Click her To learn how to order you T-Shirt —-> Stein Hospice Shirt


P/C Harvey Rickert Inducted into Blue Gavel

Newly minted Commodore Russ Marcks recognizing Harvey Rickert as HBYC’s newest Past Commodore at the 2020 Change of Watch Ceremony in February.

Newly minted Commodore Russ Marcks recognizing Harvey Rickert as HBYC’s newest Past Commodore at the 2020 Change of Watch Ceremony in February.

Congratulations to Past Commodore Harvey Rickert of HBYC on being inducted into the International Order of the Blue Gavel.

The International Order of the Blue Gavel is an association of Past Commodores whose mission is to recognize Past Commodores of the international yachting community and unite them in order to promote the highest ideals of yachting and preserve its customs and traditions through social, educational and humanitarian programs.

Congratulations Harvey!

HBYC P/C Harvey Rickert (far left) during the swearing in ceremony at the Northeast Yacht Club in Cleveland, Ohio. Photo Credit to P/C George Harizal.

HBYC P/C Harvey Rickert (far left) during the swearing in ceremony at the Northeast Yacht Club in Cleveland, Ohio. Photo Credit to P/C George Harizal.

Commodore’s Update and Marina News

What Was Once A Vice Is Now A Habit

Commodore Russ Marcks

Commodore Russ Marcks

It’s a gorgeous day in the marina as I write this in the cockpit of my boat.  It’s always a pleasure being on the marina grounds to escape, even if only temporarily, the hustle of one’s everyday life.  But this will be a long column, so let’s get started.

I have received many positive comments regarding the shape of the clubhouse.  Thanks to everyone for continuing to pick-up and clean-up after use.  Since the last ‘Vices and Habits’ column, HBYC has acquired a disinfecting sprayer.  Our housekeeper sprays most surfaces in the clubhouse with a 3% Hydrogen Peroxide mist.  As most people know, Hydrogen Peroxide is not harmful to us or building surfaces and eventually decomposes into Oxygen and Water.  This has NOT replaced wiping down hightouch areas.

You may have noticed new landscaping going on.  Brenda has placed several plants from her garden at the entrance to the club.  We also plan on a flower bed in front of the window of the ships store.  Flowers and ferns were also purchased to hang around the patio, so things are looking quite nice.


I also wish to let everyone know the status of the grilles and our short bout with no propane.  For those that may not know, the marina supplies propane.  There is always an extra bottle on site if one of the grilles does run out.  However, I ask that you exchange the empty bottle for a new one at the propane locker located between the two sheds on the west side of Barn 3.  At a minimum, please let one of the bridge members know so it can be replaced more quickly.  Some have also noted the poor condition of our propane grilles.  These will be replaced soon, although I don’t have a date just yet.

There have been many complaints about the limited hours our pumpout is open.  This issue has been resolved.  The pumpout station will be available 24/7 as it has in the past.  You have quite likely noticed the docks are also being cleaned on a regular basis.  It’s pretty tough staying up with our flying friends, but the young crew does a pretty decent job under the circumstances.

Marina crew working hard to swab the docks..

Marina crew working hard to swab the docks..

Another added convenience by the marina is docking assistance.  The marina has purchased VHF radios.  You can hail them on Channel 69 to request assistance, pump out, fuel, etc.  Given the size of the marina, please give them at least five minutes.  This means you should probably hail from the coal docks or very shortly thereafter depending upon where you are heading.

If you’ve spent any time here, you might have noticed the dockside WiFi has had issues with outages and intermittent drops.  If you experience such problems, please call the provider, Beacon WiFi, at 8885185077.  It is necessary to call them directly rather than going through the office.  This allows Beacon to locate your slip and make certain determinations as to what may be wrong.  At this time, all I can tell you is that the issue still exists as I write this but has been escalated.  Beacon will likely be sending the engineer in charge of this property to troubleshoot this problem.  I’m confident this issue will be resolved soon.

If you’re paying attention to the HBYC calendar, you know there are several events planned for the weekend of 13 June.  After speaking with Jared, National Marina Day (which can be celebrated any day between Memorial Day and Labor Day) will be postponed.  This is due to the fact that the corporate offices are not going to allow gatherings at this time.  If and when it is rescheduled, we will also have the HBYC Blessing of the Fleet ceremony.

Also that weekend, we do have a Trustees meeting, a Membership meeting, a Fun-Race, and a Social planned.  Janell, Genie, and Larry have been hard at work.  I know Janell will be releasing her View from the Rear column so I’ll let her address activities.  However, I do wish to address the Trustee and Membership meetings.

The Membership meeting will be a hybrid Zoom meeting.  Zoom is extremely simple to use, especially as a participant.  It may be used on various versions of Windows, MAC OS, and Linux and is also available for your mobile iOS or Android devices.  The link to the meeting will be sent under separate email.  To help prevent Zoombombing, please do not pass the link to nonmembers.  The Membership meeting will be followed immediately by a guest speaker also on Zoom using the same link.

NOTE:  It is critical to understand that the meeting and presentation will be conducted at the clubhouse.  Our WiFi at the clubhouse cannot handle more than one Zoom session at a time.  We simply do not have the bandwidth.  So…Please do not try to login to this Zoom meeting with a mobile device at the clubhouse.  You CAN login to the Zoom meeting from your boat using the Marina’s WiFi system.

I also wanted to pass along some information from Larry Hurst and Brian Penrod.  If you are cruising, with the club or on your own, you need to be aware of highwater issues as well as whether or not marinas are open to receive you.  Much of this can be handled with a simple phone call, but the following charts may also be of interest.


News from the Rear

Greetings HBYC members –

I wanted to provide an update on the Socials, Racing and Cruises for this year.  As you can well imagine, given these challenging times, we have had to re-think and re-vamp the activities that we had planned for the year, given the continuing concerns about COVID 19.  Although we can continue to do the racing with some relatively small modifications,  the other two, cruising and socials have had to change quite a bit.   

Cruising - I think the most disappointing thing for me personally is not being able to go to Canada.   At this point in time, if we went to Canada, we would have a mnandatory two week quarantine.  So I don’t know about you, for as much as I love travelling to Canada, that would be quite a commitment and one that I cannot do.  Additionally, we didn’t feel that travelling to Michigan would be the best thing to do either, given that Detroit was such a hot-spot for the virus.  However, all the other cruises remain intact and I encourage you to get in contact with our Cruising Director and make reservations. Click here to see the latest: 5/26 Cruising Update

Socials - As far as the socials go, we have been struggling to imagine how to have a social and remain physically “socially distant.”   Genie, our Social Director, has been hard at work trying to navigate all the obstacles thrown at her this year.   So, for the first social, we are having a Zoom meeting.  Please see the information already posted on the Website regarding this. She has found a  compelling speaker and it looks to be a very interesting presentation!  I would assume that a lot of you are already familiar with Zoom meetings.   They certainly have become popular recently, for better or for worse.  There will NOT be a sanctioned social after the membership meeting and Zoom presentation.  We have not yet been able to create a scenario that allows us to work within the parameters set up by the State of Ohio regarding social gatherings and remaining “socially distant”  as Russ has already mentioned in his previous post.   Stay tuned, however, we are going to remain optimistic that this will change for the better as the season progresses.  In the meantime, we will play the hand we were dealt.   

Stay safe and healthy!  

Rear Commodore, Janell Lundgren