Another added convenience by the marina is docking assistance. The marina has purchased VHF radios. You can hail them on Channel 69 to request assistance, pump out, fuel, etc. Given the size of the marina, please give them at least five minutes. This means you should probably hail from the coal docks or very shortly thereafter depending upon where you are heading.
If you’ve spent any time here, you might have noticed the dockside WiFi has had issues with outages and intermittent drops. If you experience such problems, please call the provider, Beacon WiFi, at 8885185077. It is necessary to call them directly rather than going through the office. This allows Beacon to locate your slip and make certain determinations as to what may be wrong. At this time, all I can tell you is that the issue still exists as I write this but has been escalated. Beacon will likely be sending the engineer in charge of this property to troubleshoot this problem. I’m confident this issue will be resolved soon.
If you’re paying attention to the HBYC calendar, you know there are several events planned for the weekend of 13 June. After speaking with Jared, National Marina Day (which can be celebrated any day between Memorial Day and Labor Day) will be postponed. This is due to the fact that the corporate offices are not going to allow gatherings at this time. If and when it is rescheduled, we will also have the HBYC Blessing of the Fleet ceremony.
Also that weekend, we do have a Trustees meeting, a Membership meeting, a Fun-Race, and a Social planned. Janell, Genie, and Larry have been hard at work. I know Janell will be releasing her View from the Rear column so I’ll let her address activities. However, I do wish to address the Trustee and Membership meetings.
The Membership meeting will be a hybrid Zoom meeting. Zoom is extremely simple to use, especially as a participant. It may be used on various versions of Windows, MAC OS, and Linux and is also available for your mobile iOS or Android devices. The link to the meeting will be sent under separate email. To help prevent Zoombombing, please do not pass the link to nonmembers. The Membership meeting will be followed immediately by a guest speaker also on Zoom using the same link.
NOTE: It is critical to understand that the meeting and presentation will be conducted at the clubhouse. Our WiFi at the clubhouse cannot handle more than one Zoom session at a time. We simply do not have the bandwidth. So…Please do not try to login to this Zoom meeting with a mobile device at the clubhouse. You CAN login to the Zoom meeting from your boat using the Marina’s WiFi system.
I also wanted to pass along some information from Larry Hurst and Brian Penrod. If you are cruising, with the club or on your own, you need to be aware of highwater issues as well as whether or not marinas are open to receive you. Much of this can be handled with a simple phone call, but the following charts may also be of interest.