It’s that time of year again. The air is filled with the aroma of diesel and the sounds of power tools. Doves are nesting on every nook in the boatyard and West Marine is welcoming yourmoney back with open arms. Like freshly hatched turtles, boats are returning from the lotto the lake and this season is now upon us. I wanted to takea moment to update everyone on a few quick things:
Thanks to Larry Hurst and the rest of the building committee for building and installing the new table storage cabinets. Vice Commodore Harvey Rickert took to the task of finish painting the cabinets. Getting rid of those piles of folding tables was anice visual and safety improvement.
Our Rear Commodore Russ Marcks organized a wonderfulbrunch on Sunday. Firelands winery was such a good choice and it was nice kick the season off with so many familiar faces. I’m always anaficionadoof starting the day off with a few glasses of wine.
The complete calendar is now on the events page of our website. Our new social chair Pat Altherr has some fresh ideas, and we are very glad to have a person to fill this position.
Don’t miss the cruising page of the website. Cruising director Art Harden has another busy year planned. Cruise registration forms were due a few weeks ago in April, but there are a handful of slots if you are interested in a particular cruise. Art has asked me to remind you that if you are going to the Pelee Island Unplugged Music Festival to buy your tickets now. Events on Pelee have limited capacity, so don’t miss out. Also if you wish to cruise to Middle Bass independent of the rest of that cruisecontact Art ASAP so he can arrange a slip if available.
We are still looking for a race chairperson and racing event coordinators. We will be having several races this year including the annual Stein Race on July 7th. We also have a Robby’s voice race planned again for September 15th. The courses and formats for these races are still up for discussion and your input is welcomed and appreciated. Stay tuned for details on any impromptu fun races that may pop up.
The website is now our primary point of contact and information. If you know of someone who does not get the email alerts directing them to the website, please have them contact our webmaster Kevin Irwin at . He has put together a very mobile friendly schedule. Thanks Kevin!
I’d like to say thanks again to our outgoing commodore George Harizal. Your service to HBYC was appreciated. Erinn and I are looking forward to another beautiful season with the HBYC family and would like to wish everyone a joyous summer.