March Commodore's Update

By Commodore Harvey Rickert

The 2019 Rendezvous was a great success despite the snowstorm.  Thanks to Vice Commodore Russell Marcks’ planning and watchful eye, and the members of our Yacht Club who make good things happen. Congratulations to everyone helping the Vice Commodore at the Rendezvous making it a great success.  It was great seeing everyone enjoying themselves, documented by Trustee Kevin Irwin’s great photographs. Which you can check out by clicking —-> here.

Ice build up on the break wall!

Ice build up on the break wall!

March is here and hopefully the weather will be changing soon and the ice will be melting on the break wall.

The good sign is I am already seeing people up at the Marina getting ahead of work on their boats and warming up at the Club House. Rear Commodore Tim Kemerly and his committees have been busy over the Winter: Nick Lewis (Power boat Coordinator), Art Harden (Cruising Director), Larry Hurst (Racing Director) and Pat Altherr , (Social Director) have worked together and planned a fun filled upcoming season. Check out the 2019 Schedule Events by clicking —> here.

Commodore, Harvey Rickert

Commodore, Harvey Rickert

Remember, It takes the volunteer members to make for a great season.  A little help makes big things happen.

Finally, I hope to see you at the Commodore’s Brunch on April 7, 2019 at the CIC (Catawba Island Club) launching a fun boating season, so join us and enjoy a great lunch and interesting speaker.

Clcik here for details —> 2019 Commodore’s Brunch