Vices and Habits

By Russell Marcks, Vice Commodore

With our first membership meeting and social under our belt and much of our membership in the water, the season is well underway.  Those able to attend the meeting were greeted with good news about the plans the Bridge and Committee chairs have established.  For those that were not there, this is a synopsis.

Tim Kemmerley, along with the social, cruise, and race chairs, were able to present a great calendar for this summer.  The socials are well-planned thanks to Pat Altherr, the cruise program is healthy thanks to Art's efforts, and Larry has a great summer of racing in place.  The marina also has a nice slate of activities planned.  You can download a club calendar here or see it online here.

2019 HBYC Events Lists
2019 HBYC Printable Events Link

Russ Marcks, Vice Commodore

Russ Marcks, Vice Commodore

The bridge is also heavily involved in the improved marketing of the club as well as identifying necessary building improvements.  With respect to marketing, you might note we now have an updated tri-fold club brochure, a cruising brochure, a racing flyer, and an upcoming social flyer. Naturally, this also includes membership application forms.  

Club Brochure
Cruising Brochure
Racing Brochure
June 8th Social!
Membership Application

All this will be displayed in the clubhouse, the marina office, the community room, and on the bathhouse bulletin boards.  Please remember, as a club member, you are an ambassador for the club.  We rely upon you to attract new members.

With respect to building improvements, we are instituting a five-year building improvement plan.  For this year, we plan on replacing all 42 lighting fixtures within the club.  This is our first priority.  A second priority is to upgrade the restrooms with new sinks, vanities, and faucets.

Please remember the most recent project was the replacement of the south air-conditioning unit.  As was mentioned in previous communications, this unit is controlled via a thermostat next to the HBYC office on the east wall.  Since this is a more efficient of the two units, please use the east thermostat to start the cooling (or heating) unit.  The North unit, which is controlled by the thermostat near the TV room, should be used only as a supplementary unit.

Wow...this news brief certainly is quite dry...isn't it. Oh well, some folks think I'm rather dry as well  :).  Hopefully, I can provide more entertaining news in the future.  If you've read this far, thanks!
