Commodore’s Corner
By Harvey Rickert
August was a busy and fun time for HBYC Cruisers. The Island Unplugged Music Festival, as described by Vice Commodore Russell Marcks, was packed. This year's festival had a new format and a number of high quality artists. If you are interested in attending in the future, his advice is to sign up early next year.
A small group sailed to Sawmill Creek resort marina. It was great to hear that Trustee Jim Altherris back on his boat sailing with his wife Social Director Pat. There are olso others have ventured off for a few weeks of cruising. Dewey Hughes and Bob Farthing were on an extended cruise up and around Michigan. P/C Melanie Hitch and husband Dave along with Steve Feller, his Wife Charlotte, and his daughter sailed alongside the Hitch's. Brian and Mary Penrod visited the North Channel, and Pat Kapper and Kelli Lyon are still out enjoying their cruise. Keith Kreager is routinely motoring his classic wood Richardson to classic boat shows.
The Fun Race before the Commodore Steak Grill also was well attended with several participants. The Commodore’s Steak grill was a blast. Commodores in attendance include P/C Larry Hurst, 2004, P/C Jennie Brandt 2005, P/C Mike Zofchak 2011, P/C Debbie Crall 2012, P/C Melanie Hitch 2015, P/C George Harizal 2017, P/C Don Petsch 2018. A special surprise for Larry was the attendance of his whole family to celebrate his birthday. This surprise included a birthday cake to share with the club. The club was packed as you've seen from the great photos documenting the event taken by Trustee and web master Kevin Irwin . Thanks Kevin!
I want to thank the members who help with the planning and the work to put on the Commodores Steak Grill. Special thanks to P/C Don Petsch for coming up with idea of the Steak Grill and selecting the great steaks, sweet corn, and potatoes. Also, thanks to past Trustee Sandy Biesenberger for planning and ordering supplies. Susan Young for cooking and organizing the setup and cleanup and to Sue Henry and Kim Hannig for handling tickets sales and ticket collection. Thus was truly a total club effort!
We still have the Vermillion Cruise coming up August 30th, I heard this popular cruise had 30 boats scheduled but unfortunately the high water decreased the number of docks available. But you don’t have to miss the fun! If you have the time, you can drive over and visit your HBYC family in Vermillion.
The clubhouse also has seen a bustle of activity including birthdays as well as various breakfast and dinner activities. Vice Commodore Russell Marcks has worked single handily to install about 50% of the new LED lighting. This included installation in the conference room, ships store, TV room, kitchen, and the restrooms. If you haven't seen it, check it out. This leaves only the main hall to complete. Unfortunately, he has returned to his teaching. So we are contemplating a final work day that will need three to six persons with knowledge of commercial electrical installations to help Vice Commodore Russ to finish the project. Look for the sign up sheet to help with this project.
The boating season is not over, September 14th is Robbies Voice’s Gotta Regatta and the hamburger bar cookout social including a reverse raffle. Click here for more info —> Robbys Voice Flyer
I want to make a plug for the The Classic Boat Rendezvous on September 27-29. This show will benefit the Sandusky Maritime Museum which is supported by Sandusky Safe Harbor Marina. The Classic boaters showing their boats will be guests of our Club. Click here to learn more —> Sandusky Maritime Classic Boat Show