Greetings from the Rear Commodore~ 

Well, we have been putting off making a decision about whether the Winter Rendezvous will take place in January, 2021 or not.   We have been waiting to see how the State of Ohio would be handling large gatherings as well as the trajectory of cases of COVID -19 with the hopes that case numbers would be trending downward.   Given what we know now, I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that January 2021 will not be a good month for us to get together, much to my (and I would suspect yours as well) disappointment.  We had some fun things planned and some in the works with the hope that the Winter Rendezvous at the Mohican Lodge would be like it has been in years past, a wonderful time for friends to get together to reminisce about the previous seasons and to look forward to another awesome season of sailing/boating

 As it stands now, we will moving our reservation at the Mohican Lodge back a year to January 2022.  Rick Billheimer, our incoming Rear Commodore, will be in charge of that and I know that he has some great ideas already.

We will be going forth with the Change of Watch Ceremony on that weekend, but as I write this, we are not sure what format that will be in.  That remains a work in progress.

I hope that each and everyone of you have a wonderful holiday season, filled with love, loved ones and gratitude for all that we have been blessed with, even during difficult times such as these.

Happy Holidays!

Rear Commodore, HBYC