Commodore's Corner 1/26/23

Winter Rendezvous  

Our Winter Rendezvous was held January 13-15 at Sawmill Creek in Huron and was a grand slam, home run! The food, music and the location were all wonderful.  Thank you, Brenda, great job!  

The 2023 Bridge and Trustees during the change of watch ceremony at the Winter Rendezvous on January 14.

2023 Schedule Change

Our schedule is always subject to change and we already have one for the 2023 season. Please make note of the following update.

Our June social, previously scheduled for June 10 is being moved to June 17, Babes in Black are all set for our entertainment during the social. Our sailing “Fun Race” and membership meeting will also be held that day.

Port Clinton Yacht Club is available for us to cruise there on the weekend of June 9-11,  previously tentatively scheduled for June 17 weekend.

Make sure and check out our Events Page here on the website to stay updated on all the upcoming events this year!


Associated Yacht Club Burgee

AYC (Associated Yacht Club)
We are now official members of AYC increasing the number of clubs that we have reciprocal rights to visit.   This club has a large number of dinners and events that our members can attend as well.

SHM offers on our behalf the following reciprocal rights to AYC and I-LYA members: One reciprocal day (second day)  electric; water; gas; pump out; hoist; toilets; showers; swimming pool; playground; new exercise room, and shuttle service to downtown Sandusky on Friday and Saturday nights.  5+ boats $1.00/Ft with 1 reciprocal day (second day) 

AYC 2023 Poker Run Events: These look like fun events for the day or the weekend.

06/16 - 06/17 - Cooley Canal Yacht Club

07/07 - 07/08 - Ottawa River Yacht Club

08/11 - 08/12 - Ford Yacht Club

08/18 - 08/19 - Seaway Boat Club

08/25 - 08/26 - SunSeekers Boat Club - This one does not interfere with a HBYC event, put it on your calendar.


Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina Open House 

  • Saturday, February 25, 2023

  • 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

  • Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina 

Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina will be hosting an open house for all marina members and prospective members to check out the newly renovated office and facilities.  They are looking at getting a steel drummer and having a bar.

Service contractors will be available for a meet & greet during this time. Erie Islands Sailing School will be there as well.

Stop in and check out the new marina office, meet the office staff, tour the facility, and chat with marina-approved contractors for all of your marine service needs.

This would also be a great time for existing HBYC members to be present to welcome new prospective members to the club and show off our facility, cruise schedule, and racing schedule!

Looking forward to the start of a great season!

Rick Billheimer,  HBYC Commodore 2023

“Believe in 23!”
