Commodore's Corner 7/1/24

I hope everyone is gearing up for an amazing 4th of July week/weekend. I know we have several boats leaving Thursday morning for our long cruise of the season and I wish you all fair weather and fun times!!

Some don't forget dates:

July 20th- our Pig Roast Social and Race to the Bay for Stein Hospice -Please sign up/pay for your meal in the club this weekend so they know how many dinners to prepare for!! Also if you would like to race please see or email Lary asap so he can calculate start times!

July 28th- Second annual Family Fun Day collaborating with the marina to put on fun activities for kids of all ages. The marina will be providing a sweet treat! Meet at the SHM pavilion at 11AM

I hope you all have an amazing week and I hope to see you up at the club!

Jessie Homer -Dock C 23 SV No Direction

Commodore 24