A Message From the Commodore

A Message from the Commodore

Greetings to all!  We are back to doing the gatherings and events that make HBYC a fun and interesting part of our boating experience.  June was a great month with the start of our cruising, racing and social events.  Twenty boats participated in the Kelleys Island cruise.  Thanks to John Lueke and Suzanne Smith for coordinating the weekend.  On 12 June Larry Hurst conducted the first Fun race of the season with Waypoint 2, Buckwheat, and Beyond The Edge taking top prizes.  Thanks to Genie Barthelman and her team, we had a great social dinner.  It was attended by over 100 members and guests.  Thanks to Genie, Sue Young, Kim Hannig, Theresa Greller, Janice Hearst, Rick Billheimer, and Mike Duerk for their help in making the dinner a success.  Nick Lewis conducted a raffle which raised $90 for HBYC.  Since 12 June was  also Marina Day,  we had a fun evening with music at the Pavillion.  We also honored our Armed Forces, and Pat Thompson led the Blessing of the Fleet ceremony, supported by the Firelands Military Vehicle Group.   Finally, Sunday was an opportunity for yoga led by Vice Commodore Janell Lundgren. 

During the 12 June general membership meeting, we recognized HBYC officers and committee leads by presenting their flags.  See the pictures below for a sampling of the presentations that were delayed due to COVID 19 cancellation of the 2021 Winter Rendezvous .  Our HBYC membership numbers continue to increase.   In the past few days, we added two new members increasing our total to 112.

As we look ahead, there are a lot of fun HBYC activities soon to come.  Our next event will be Stein Hospice racing and social events on 10 July.   Check out the HBYC website for details … and don’t forget to visit the Ship’s Store online.  I hope to see you at HBYC soon.


A Message From the Commodore

Greetings to all.  Most of us are getting our boats ready to launch. The fun time on the water is soon to begin!  Janell, Rick, Joe, Larry, and Genie have all been working hard on HBYC’s 2021 racing,  cruising, and social programs.  On 15 May, we have our first series of events including trustees  and membership meetings, yoga, and a social event.  Please check the HBYC website for more details.

I would like to extend thankyous to Brenda Marcks on membership, Pete Rao on finance, Janice Hearst on admin, and Sue Henry as web-master.  They have made outstanding contributions to HBYC this year.  Thanks also go out to Don Petsch, our I-LYA delegate, who has already attended a spring planning meeting and keeps us updated on I-LYA activities.  Please don’t forget to visit the HBYC online Ship’s Store for club apparel.  You can access the online store via the HBYC website from the “members only” page.  We also have a very limited number of apparel items in the display case near the clubhouse restrooms.  Thanks to Marge Gross for leading this activity.  If you have any questions on the Ship’s Store, contact Marge.  Thanks also to Janell Lundgren, Russ Marcks, and Larry Hurst for working on clubhouse improvements and planning activities.    

The membership meeting, on 15 May,  will start at 4pm in the clubhouse.  We will also have a Zoom link for those who cannot attend.  Please check out the HBYC website for copies of the financial reports and minutes from past meetings.  The website also has the complete 2021 calendar, racing schedule and signup sheets, social events, and cruising schedule and signup sheets. 

A message from the Commodore

Greetings to all.  We are getting encouraging news from national and state health officials that Covid -19 vaccinations are ramping up and new cases in Ohio are trending down.  Unfortunately, we have not reached a safety level where health orders have been relaxed yet.  Thus, I have decided to cancel the April 18, 2021 Commodore’s Brunch.  I am hoping that we will approach normal conditions in the May-June timeframe, and our HBYC activities will proceed as planned. RC Rick Billheimer has put together a great program in racing, cruising, and social events.  We will have a Trustees’ meeting on 18 April via Zoom.

During the winter, Larry Hurst has been busy improving our clubhouse facilities.  The trophy case, for some time, has had a weak base that was a safety hazard.  Larry has made a new base that is very sturdy and looks great.  Thanks to Larry for a great job and the many contributions he has made to HBYC.    

HBYC members are actively involved in preparing their boats for launch.  The marina launch schedule is filling up.  We have increased the frequency of clubhouse cleaning to match the increase in activity.    The overall calendar is still being revised, and we will be adding marina activities and other events as they become known.  Don’t forget to check-out the HBYC online Ship’s Store.  A link to it is found on the HBYC website under the members’ only tab.

Please stay tuned for more updates.

Tim Kemerley


A Message from the Commodore

Message from the Commodore

Greetings to all.  Thank you for those that tuned in to last Saturday’s Change of Watch ceremony.  Hopefully next year, we will be back to our normal Winter Rendezvous meeting.  I commend Past Commodore Russell Marcks for a great job leading HBYC last year.  Even though COVID got in the way, we had a great racing program and were able to salvage some of the social and cruising programs.  Janell Lundgren and her team did a fantastic job in organizing and conducting our two funding events for Stein Hospice and Robby’s Voice.

Thanks to Rick Billheimer and his team for putting together the 2021 program.  Please check-out the HBYC website for the latest info on 2021 racing, cruising, and social scheduled events.  Fill out and submit the forms for cruising and racing activities.  Also under the website’s  “Members Only” tab, you will find the link to the online Ship’s Store to purchase HBYC apparel.  The overall calendar is still being revised, and we will be adding marina activities and other events as they become known.

Please be sure to renew your HBYC membership ASAP!  The club’s only source of income is through these membership funds.  It directly impacts the social, cruising, and racing activities as well as the clubhouse improvements that we plan to complete. The grace period for membership renewals will end soon.

Stay tuned, because we will be back with more info on HBYC events to come.

Stay Safe,

Tim Kemerley


Change of Watch Ceremony

I hope you all are safe and well these days.  As the previous news announcement noted, due to COVID 19 restrictions, the HBYC 2021 Winter Rendezvous was canceled.  We will conduct the “Change of Watch” ceremony via a Zoom meeting format on January 30, 2021 starting at 2pm.  Please tune in if you can.  Use the following Zoom meeting link to join the ceremony:


Marcks, Russell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: HBYC CoW
Time: Jan 30, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

If you have any questions/comments, call/text me at 937-623-2762.

We will have a brief Trustees’ meeting prior to the ceremony.  More information about this year’s activities, including a calendar, will be sent out soon.


Tim Kemerley


Change of Watch Plans

January 2021

Greetings from the Rear Commodore, 

I hope this note finds you all healthy in the new year.  I just wanted to give an update regarding the Change of Watch Ceremony and provide a request for those that want to be in virtual attendance to SAVE THE DATE of  January 30th, 2021 at 2 pm.   We will be doing the Ceremony and the trustees meeting via Zoom.  There will be a more formalized invitation to the Ceremony in a couple of weeks,  along with the agenda for the trustee’s meeting. 

 Any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  

 Best regards to all, 

Janell - Rear Commodore


Greetings from the Rear Commodore~ 

Well, we have been putting off making a decision about whether the Winter Rendezvous will take place in January, 2021 or not.   We have been waiting to see how the State of Ohio would be handling large gatherings as well as the trajectory of cases of COVID -19 with the hopes that case numbers would be trending downward.   Given what we know now, I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that January 2021 will not be a good month for us to get together, much to my (and I would suspect yours as well) disappointment.  We had some fun things planned and some in the works with the hope that the Winter Rendezvous at the Mohican Lodge would be like it has been in years past, a wonderful time for friends to get together to reminisce about the previous seasons and to look forward to another awesome season of sailing/boating

 As it stands now, we will moving our reservation at the Mohican Lodge back a year to January 2022.  Rick Billheimer, our incoming Rear Commodore, will be in charge of that and I know that he has some great ideas already.

We will be going forth with the Change of Watch Ceremony on that weekend, but as I write this, we are not sure what format that will be in.  That remains a work in progress.

I hope that each and everyone of you have a wonderful holiday season, filled with love, loved ones and gratitude for all that we have been blessed with, even during difficult times such as these.

Happy Holidays!

Rear Commodore, HBYC

Winter Rendezvous Plans

Greetings from the Rear Commodore!

I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the mild fall weather.   Our boats are out of the water and I’m sure everyone is dreaming about the next season…hopefully, by then, everything will be back to “normal.”   

I want to thank everyone for your understanding and patience last season with regard to the socials,  raffles, etc.   We definitely had to change things up because of the limitations of social distancing and gatherings of large crowds indoors.    We did an awesome job in raising money for some excellent causes despite our limitations.  Genie, Larry and Doug did an excellent job in Socials, Racing and Cruising and their hard work is very much appreciated.  It is so important to have volunteers step up to the plate and offer to help in this way.  An organization like ours does not function without the help of dedicated volunteers.  

I wanted to give everyone an update about the current plans for the Winter Rendezvous.  We have reserved the Mohican Lodge ( www.discovermohican.com) for the last weekend in January (29th-31st) 2021.   This year’s theme is the psychedelic 60’s and the decade of the 1970’s.  I have been in touch with the Visitors Bureau to come up with some fun activities.   I have been in touch with a DJ to play our favorite 60’s-70’s music. (I don’t know about you, but I don’t even have to buy a costume for this one, I have things in my closet that will work!)  The Big Question is…what January 2021 will look like in terms of people being able to gather indoors in large groups.  We all know how much 2020 has been a challenge.   If we have to cancel due to restrictions or lack of comfort of participants coming to an event like this, so be it.  We will save it for 2022.  Fortunately, the Lodge is very understanding of the circumstances and we will let this play out for as long as we can.  But I wanted to put it on your radar so that you can be thinking about it.   

If anyone has any comments,  suggestions or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at lundgren.janell@gmail.com.  In the meantime, stay safe, stay well, and stay optimistic!  This too shall pass.

Your Rear Commodore, Janell

PS-  This upcoming year, we will be offering yoga classes on the same day as the socials/membership meetings, as per Rick Billheimer’s (the incoming RC) request.  For those of you who are unaware, I have been in training this last year to become an instructor and I look forward to leading a beginner’s yoga class with anyone who is interested.