The Past Commodore's (HBYC Nominating Committee) met and generated the new slate of Trustees for next year. This slate was posted July 27, 2020 at the Yacht Club, We also developed a ballot for absentee voting. This ballot is available at the Yacht Club on the cabinet nearest the main entrance. This ballot, along with the slate of officers, can be found on our website as well. Check the members only area.
You may fill out and sign the ballot on site...just give it to a Bridge officer, or you may sign, scan and email the ballot. Alternatively, you can call or text the Commodore or myself. Be aware we will sign the ballot in your name. MAKE SURE YOU FILL THE BALLOT OUT COMPLETELY INCLUDING DOCK NUMBER.
Click here to see 2021 Slate —> Nominations
Click here to download ballot for printing —>. Ballot
Call me or Commodore Russell Marcks if you have any questions.
Harvey Rickert
Past Commodore and Nominating Committee Chair