By Janell Lundgren R/C
Well, we are now in the “dog days of summer” which I recently found out has nothing to do with the heat of summer, nor dogs in the way we think of dogs, our canine companions, but rather of Sirius, the dog star, and its position in the heavens. According to a National Geographic article I read, it is a time the Greeks and Romans noted that the Sirius appeared to rise just before the sun, in late July. They referred to these days as the hottest time of the year. This past weekend, fortunately, was not very hot, but actually quite nice and I hope a lot of you were able to enjoy it!
Last weekend, HBYC hosted the rescheduled Stein Hospice Race in the Bay. As compared to the strong winds that caused the rescheduling of the fund-raising race, this past Saturday saw light winds but enough to allow the race to take place. There were 13 racing vessels (a record number of participants) in two classes that participated and $600 in entrance fees were collected for Stein Hospice, in addition to the money that was raised by the 50/50 raffle and the donation of $500 that would have been used for dinner and entertainment totaling $988.00. Given the circumstances of the year of 2020, a $1,588.00 donation, as my Mom would say “that’s not too shabby!”
Also, last Saturday, there was a Scavenger Hunt at SHM that was organized by Social Coordinator Genie Barthelman. A lively group, including a lot youngsters, participated in this event. Everyone had a lot of fun and I must say, as a participant, it was great exercise and it gave me an excuse to check out all of the docks in the marina, and see boats and meet people that I ordinarily would not see. I think we should make this an annual event, as it was great to have so many young people engaged in a yacht club activity!
We have another cruising event coming up on the 22nd of August, an anchor out in Sandusky Bay, which will be weather dependant. This trip will be lead by John Lueke. As he decribes this event to“ provide an opportunity for people who have not anchored overnight to try it with plenty of other people around for support. The first choice for an anchoring spot would be west of Johnson’s Island near the Dempsey access ramp. This spot works well in east thru west northwest winds and has a mud bottom for a good anchor hold. If the wind goes farther south and blows over five knots we would need to try another spot. It would be a short dingy ride to the shore for people with dogs or others who wanted to go ashore for a walk. Couldn’t find any bars in the area to dingy to but we could go from boat to boat with the appropriate cautions. We could provide dingy taxi service For people without dinghies, if you are interested in trying this, send a message to Doug Asbury, Cruising Coordinatorl. We would have a skippers meeting at 10am on the 22nd to finalize the plan. We could also visit boats to check their anchoring equipment if the skipper is not sure about it.”
The last social/racing event of the year is Robby’s Voice Regatta and 100 ticket Reverse Raffle. In the Reverse Raffle, we will be raffling off items from the Ship’s Store to clear our inventory as well as other items, including a Beautiful Quilt donated by Melanic Hitch. I am also requesting that our members create items to be raffled off like gift baskets ~wine and cheese baskets, nautical themed baskets, whatever you can come up with, to raise money for Robby’s Voice. We will also be raffling off Dockage Fees donated by the Marina, up to $2,000.00, in a separate raffle. We are also selling clothing items from the Ship’s store for $10.00 on a clearance rack at the Yacht Club to raise money. As of last Saturday night, we already had raised over $200.00 in donations to Robby’s Voice!
We have two more cruises left to do in September, the ever popular Vermillion Cruise and the cruise to Lorain. If you have any interest get in touch with Cruising Coordinator Doug Asbury and get your name on the list.
Til next time, fair winds,