Commodore's Corner 6/14/23

Commodore’s Corner 6/14/23

Hank Rengh and Mike Petsch raise the flags at the Blessing of the Fleet

Blessing of the Fleet

The Blessing of the Fleet was held on May 27.  It was very well attended and an appreciated event in cooperation with Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina. Thank you to Ben Buchanan for giving the blessing, Mike Petsch and Hank Rengh for the flag raising, Benjamin Lowien for providing the sound system and music, and Brenda Marcks for reading the names of HBYC Members that have passed.

Bridge News

I'm saddened to announce that Brenda Marcks is stepping down as Vice Commodore.  Bridge selection is the responsibility of the Past Commodores, so they met, and we’re excited to announce that Jessie Homer will assume the Vice Commodore role immediately, and will be our Commodore starting her term in January of 2024! We will be searching for a Social Chair to take Jessie’s role for the remainder of this year.

Also, Pete Rao, our current Treasurer, will be stepping down from his position at the end of 2023.  Ken Smith has expressed interest in taking over as Treasurer.

Thank you Brenda and Pete for your years of service. and just so you know, I put a bunch of change in a wishing well for one more year.  Thank you again.

Horseshoe Lake, one of the stops on our KI Poker Run trip Saturday

Kelleys Island Cruise

We had 19 boats go over to the island.  We had a bonfire by the beach Friday night, and Poker run fun on Saturday.  So much fun was had, many of us stayed an extra day (due to a small craft advisory and 6ft swells) So the majority of us enjoyed the sunshine and breezy day with golf carts, an island tour led by Dave Smith, great food and drinks, and the best part, no agenda! We all returned safely back on Monday morning. Special thanks to Jen at Seaway Marina for being so accommodating during our stay.


Port Clinton Yacht Club

Port Clinton Yacht Club Cruise

15 boats attended the cruise to PCYC.  Friday night was the Dinner/Meet & Greet. Many members enjoyed their beautiful heated pool on Saturday and others walked downtown for shopping.   We tried to get a good sunset on the beach at Docks Beach House Saturday night, but the clouds rolled in at just the wrong time to hide it… Sunday was a smooth ride back and we’re gearing up for the next cruise! Thanks to Nick and Sharon for coordinating the PCYC trip.

Join us for future cruises!

June 30 -July 3 Leamington, Canada  

July 14 - 16   Middle Bass Island - Music Fest

July 28 - Aug 4 Extended cruise 1  (SHM - Lorain - Cleveland - Mentor Harbor - Erieau - Pelee)

Aug 4 - Aug 6 Pelee Island

Aug - 6 - Aug 11 Extended Cruise 2  (Pelee - Toledo Yacht Club - Toledo Beach - PIBYC - SHM)

For more info on our cruises, visit our Cruising page


Saturday marks our first Cruiser Fun Race in the Bay. The Cruiser Fun Race Meeting will be at 930am.

July 8th Stein Hospice Race is coming up quickly! Visit our Racing page to find out all the details!

And thanks to Larry Hurst for stepping in to coordinate all our racing events this year. We couldn’t do it without you Larry!


Join us this Saturday at 6 PM for our Taco Social hosted by E-Dock following the 5 pm membership meeting.  Babies in Black will be entertaining us at 7 PM

Future Socials: 

July 8th Stein Hospice Race and Social -   B and C docks -  Entertainment by Luther T 

I-LYA Middle Bass Island Yacht Club will be joining us for the social!


Rick Billheimer,  HBYC Commodore 2023

“Believe in 23!”

Commodore's Corner 5/17/23

Ship Store

Our new online Ship Store is up and running and closes on May 28th. Click on this link HBYC 2023 to order your HBYC apparel soon!   The online store will open for orders again next month and items will most likely vary each time. The company, Pelz Lettering, is local and there are no shipping costs if you choose to pick up your order at their location. Special thanks to Carla Smith for helping get this all coordinated and set up!

Website Membership roster

The 2023 membership roster has been uploaded to the secure member area of the website. There are also a few hard copies located at the clubhouse. Chris Malott did a great job.  

For Sale & Free Items

A HBYC Facebook page has been created for boating items that members wish to sell or give away. Here is the link to the group: We will no longer be using the club house to store these items.  All existing unclaimed items in the club house will be taken to the dumpster or Goodwill before the next social.

Rear Commodore

Congratulations to our new Rear Commodore, Sean Leengran. Sean, and his wife Laura Bruschi, have a 40' Tartan named Portkey on F33. Be sure to stop by and introduce yourself when you get a chance. 

Club House 

Nick Lewis and Joe Szabo will split the responsibilities for club house chair. Jessie and Brian Homer will concentrate on the TV / music portion of the club house.


Sharon Meszaros will be taking over membership responsibilities.  Thanks Brenda for your help with this transition, and for years of serving as the membership chair.

Commodore Brunch

Thanks to all that attended and supported the Commodore brunch held on April 15 at the Sandusky Yacht Club. It was a great event planned by Art Harden.

AYC Bus Tour

This was a great success. We visited Toledo Sail Club, Harbor View Yacht Club, and Nugent’s Canal Yacht Club. Every club was very welcoming and greeted us with lots of food, free drinks, and even a HBYC cake.  WOW!   Keep your eyes open for another Bus trip in the fall.  Just not the same day as a meeting :)

Our First Membership Meeting

We pulled off our first 2023 membership meeting after the AYC bus trip. The next membership meeting is scheduled for June, 17th.


Potluck Social 

The food, the decorations, the music.  Thank you Jessie and all who helped put this great event together. 
E-Dock will be hosting our next social on June 17, with Babes in Black returning to entertain us.


Cruising Trips Coming Up

Kelleys Island Cruise June 2-4 - Fire on the beach / Dog cruise 

Port Clinton Yacht Club Cruise June 9-10 

Leamington, Canada  June 30 to July 3  

And that's just in June!  If you have not signed up for a Cruise yet, join us. 

TV Update

The TV in the lounge room and the TV in the main salon just needs some adjustments and logged into our ESPN, Disney and Hulu apps, this will be done by the end of this week. 

The TV in the kids/ study room needs the Chromecast remote. This is being donated By Jessie Homer, and the TV is being borrowed from me.  This is so kids have a place to go and have fun away from the adults watching TV in the other two rooms.


The season’s just getting started, let’s make it a great one!

Rick Billheimer,  HBYC Commodore 2023

“Believe in 23!”

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."   Mark Twain 

Commodore's Corner 4/10/23

Rear Commodore & Additional Changes

Art Harden has stepped down from the Rear Commodore position. Brenda Marcks (Vice Commodore) and I are absorbing the duties of the Rear during this transition.  Tim Kemerley will lead the Past Commodores to select a replacement.

Russ Marcks has resigned from the building committee.



The 2023 cruising sheets and reservation information have been posted to the HBYC Secure Members Area of the website. Please check that your information is correct.  Contact Marianne Eggett our cruise director, or I if there are any issues.  And Larry Hurst does not use 10’ for his PHRF rating.  :)

Middle Bass Island has changed their reservation process. Reservations will now by online and 5 reservations can be made at one time. Price is by the dock length not the foot, and all docks must be prepaid.

HBYC will not be able to make a bulk reservation for the Music Festival.  Each cruiser will need to go to the Middle Bass site and make their own reservations. Reservations open on on May 1 at 7am, so be sure to call early.


Marina News

SHM will not tear up the asphalt in front of the Clubhouse to extend the HBYC green space until the fall.
The main bathhouse will open on April 15. The gas/pump out dock was damaged over the winter. A new dock will be installed during April and should be operational by May 1. Fingers crossed that gas may be available before that. 🤞


Ship Store

The ship store will be up soon.  It will be a new ordering system through a local vendor in Sandusky.  The selection will include our existing logo and some new logo designs.  Thank you Carla Smith and Chris Malott for their hard work in putting this together.


Our AYC Bus Trip

The bus trip to visit Three AYC clubs on May 13, has one open seat.   See this link on our event calendar for more details.

Meeting and Social

May 13th is our 1st membership meeting at 5 PM. Potluck get together to follow at 6 PM. Hope to see you there! 


If you are willing and able to help with racing this year, please let me know, this is an important part of our club. 


You may have noticed by now we have a new password to access the members area of the website. This password was included on your membership renewal letter with your card. If you need access or have any issues, please email Chris, our webmaster. There are also links at the bottom of every page to contact our webmaster if you run into issues.

Thank you.


Rick Billheimer,  HBYC Commodore 2023

“Believe in 23!”

Commodore's Corner 3/15/23

Toledo Sailing Club Bus Trip Visit:

Toledo Sailing Club’s bus arrived at noon on Saturday March 11th

Toledo Sailing Club visited our clubhouse on 3/11. The bus was full of 50 boaters. It was a great time with great people. We received a lot of comments about our clubhouse, they bought shirts and stickers from our ship store, We bought a 6’ sub and some liquor for shots, we had a donation box and the donations covered our cost. 

TSC is about ½ power and ½ pontoon boats, located near the Toledo Zoo.  We are welcome to their club anytime!

Thank you to Joe Szabo, Brian Homer, John Gray, Margee and Don Gross, and Benjamin Lowein.

HBYC Entertained 50 people during their visit

Toledo Sailing Club had a blast at the HBYC!

Bath Rooms Vanity Update:

Holy hidden trash can Batman!

The new restroom vanities are installed, and look great! Thank you Russ Marcks and John Liederbach.

Middle Bass Island Marina group reservations changes:

This is HOT HOT off the press. There are big differences in how Middle Bass State Park Marina is taking reservations this year.

  • Docks need to be prepaid

  • Price is by the dock length not the foot

  • And only 5 reservations can be made at one time. 

If you want to go to the Middle Bass Music Fest or any cruise please send in your cruise form ASAP.

This information is less than a week old, We are working on how we will adjust to this new reservation system.  May 1st is the first day that they will take reservations.  More Details to follow.

Marina report:

Again the open house was a hit for us and the marina. Jared thanked us for our involvement, and we welcome our new members who signed up at this event!

- HBYC Green Space

Weather depending, the asphalt in front of the marina may get torn up this spring, to make way for the new HBYC green space. As with all growth and progress, construction is a pathway to success! Stay tuned for updates.

- Future Lease

As Jared has mentioned on several occasions, HBYC will have a renewed lease. In February, Brenda and I presented a written proposed lease to Jared in an attempt to secure a signed lease before boating season.  Jared informed that he would not be presenting a lease until August so he would have time to see if HBYC involvement stayed on the same current trajectory. We replied with a written letter, stating that we felt that waiting until August would create a feeling of unrest to our members. When we talked again in March, Jared stated that we will have a lease, and confirmed that this will be a 24/7 summer lease,  but he is going to wait until August to present the lease. He has shared several compliments on the improved communication between HBYC and SHM and also our increased involvement in working with the marina, recently the Open House. I realize this wait is stressful to all HBYC members and that angst has been communicated to Jared.  

We have also communicated that HBYC is the glue that creates long term SHM Dockers.  We have stood the test of time with many different managers and owners and we are here to stay.    Besides our great clubhouse, cruising schedule, racing schedule, socials, and ILYA and AYC membership, HBYC has a lot to offer to our members. The long-term lasting friendships, shared wisdom, and always a helpful hand are priceless.

Save the Dates:

As the season gets closer, stay up to date using our Events Schedule section of the website that’s loaded with all our social events, cruises, and AYC/I-LYA activities! Click the link above, or find it under the “What We Do” tab anywhere on the website!

Rick Billheimer,  HBYC Commodore 2023

“Believe in 23!”

Commodore's Corner 2/28/23

Open House

An Open House for HBYC was held on February 25 in conjunction with Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina and was a huge hit with a large turn out. Many members of the marina visited us and had never been in your club.

We had TWO new members join at the open house!  One was a Erie Island Sailing School student that was introduced to our club during his classes and he is thinking of moving his boat to SHM.   The other is an existing SHM docker.

We also had a large number of visitors from AYC (Associated Yacht Clubs) take the opportunity to visit our clubhouse.  A large group from Harbor View Yacht Club (HVYC) in Toledo came and stole our burgee. Now we will go to HVYC and steal ours back and steal their burgee.  This is a fun way to get clubs to visit other clubs and form more boating relationships among yacht clubs.

Associated Yacht Club Members & our HBYC Bridge pose for a pic before our burgee is “stolen”

Thank you to all that came to help meet and greet and provide food for our guests and special thanks to our webmaster, Chris Malott for designing and rolling out our new HBYC brochure for the open house. We also had a large spike in website hits after the event.

Save the dates

March 11th - AYC/TSC Visit

New 2023 HBYC Brochure


Toledo Sailing Club, another member club of AYC that we just joined, is having a bus trip on March 11th, and HBYC is one of their stops. Their estimated arrival time is noon and they will be be staying for about an hour. They expect around 50 people on the bus visit. We will be providing snacks and the beer cooler will be stocked with also fireball shots for sale. If you happen to be available on the 11th, please contact me and let me know if you are able to bring a dish to share.

April 15, 2023 - Commodore's Brunch

This will be at the Sandusky Yacht Club. More details to follow.

July, 22 2023 - Dock Crawl 

SHM Dock Crawl - Looking for members to fly your HBYC burgee and be a host boat.  More details to follow!


Trash Can

The dumpster is now behind a locked gate. Please put the trash in the trash can behind the old SHM office.   SHM will come up with a better solution before the boating season starts.

“There is nothing so stable as change......” - Bob Dylan


Looking forward to a great season! 

Rick Billheimer,  HBYC Commodore 2023

“Believe in 23!”

Commodore's Corner 1/26/23

Winter Rendezvous  

Our Winter Rendezvous was held January 13-15 at Sawmill Creek in Huron and was a grand slam, home run! The food, music and the location were all wonderful.  Thank you, Brenda, great job!  

The 2023 Bridge and Trustees during the change of watch ceremony at the Winter Rendezvous on January 14.

2023 Schedule Change

Our schedule is always subject to change and we already have one for the 2023 season. Please make note of the following update.

Our June social, previously scheduled for June 10 is being moved to June 17, Babes in Black are all set for our entertainment during the social. Our sailing “Fun Race” and membership meeting will also be held that day.

Port Clinton Yacht Club is available for us to cruise there on the weekend of June 9-11,  previously tentatively scheduled for June 17 weekend.

Make sure and check out our Events Page here on the website to stay updated on all the upcoming events this year!


Associated Yacht Club Burgee

AYC (Associated Yacht Club)
We are now official members of AYC increasing the number of clubs that we have reciprocal rights to visit.   This club has a large number of dinners and events that our members can attend as well.

SHM offers on our behalf the following reciprocal rights to AYC and I-LYA members: One reciprocal day (second day)  electric; water; gas; pump out; hoist; toilets; showers; swimming pool; playground; new exercise room, and shuttle service to downtown Sandusky on Friday and Saturday nights.  5+ boats $1.00/Ft with 1 reciprocal day (second day) 

AYC 2023 Poker Run Events: These look like fun events for the day or the weekend.

06/16 - 06/17 - Cooley Canal Yacht Club

07/07 - 07/08 - Ottawa River Yacht Club

08/11 - 08/12 - Ford Yacht Club

08/18 - 08/19 - Seaway Boat Club

08/25 - 08/26 - SunSeekers Boat Club - This one does not interfere with a HBYC event, put it on your calendar.


Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina Open House 

  • Saturday, February 25, 2023

  • 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

  • Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina 

Safe Harbor Sandusky Marina will be hosting an open house for all marina members and prospective members to check out the newly renovated office and facilities.  They are looking at getting a steel drummer and having a bar.

Service contractors will be available for a meet & greet during this time. Erie Islands Sailing School will be there as well.

Stop in and check out the new marina office, meet the office staff, tour the facility, and chat with marina-approved contractors for all of your marine service needs.

This would also be a great time for existing HBYC members to be present to welcome new prospective members to the club and show off our facility, cruise schedule, and racing schedule!

Looking forward to the start of a great season!

Rick Billheimer,  HBYC Commodore 2023

“Believe in 23!”

Commodore’s Corner 1/2023

Welcome to 2023! Hope you had a great New Year’s Eve.  I plan on posting a Commander's Corner every 4-6 weeks, so keep checking the website for this and other news and updates. 

Winter Rendezvous

We would like to see you all at the Winter Rendezvous on January 14th to be held at Sawmill Creek Lodge. We will have speakers from I-LYA and AYC on Saturday AM and the Change of Watch and 80's Prom Party Saturday night.    If you have not signed up yet and wish to attend, please contact Brenda Marcks ASAP. 

Don't miss the unveiling of our tentative 2023 social, entertainment, cruise, and racing schedule announced during the Rendezvous. Yay!



Technically, our dues are due on Dec 31st,  but if you have not renewed yet, you have until March 31st before a late fee is accessed.  As a past landlord this is a long grace period, please take advantage of it. We have a lot to offer, and we value all of our members. 


We have applied to the Associated Yacht Club. AYC, is very active in the western basin of Lake Erie, and promotes interaction among its 32 + member clubs. AYC clubs Reciprocal benefits much Like I-LYC   We have been approved by the executive board, and next step is to the general membership vote, this will happen shortly after the Winter Rendezvous.

Commodore's Brunch
SAVE THE DATE!  The 2023 Commodore's Brunch will be held on April 15 at Sandusky Yacht Club.  Watch for details.

Thank you to the Bridge and Officers of 2022 and 2023

Commodore: Janell Lundgren

Vice Commodore: Rick Billheimer

Rear Commodore: Brenda Marcks

Past Commodore: Tim Kemerley

Trustee: Chuck Rauch

Trustee: Nick Lewis 

Trustee: Don Gross 

Trustee: Tom Ketchum

Trustee: Safe Harbor Marinas, Jared Pavlik 

Secretary: Janice Hearst

Treasurer: Peter Rao

At the start of 2022 

Social: Jessie Homer

Cruise Directors: Janet and John Hukill

Racing Director: Larry Hurst

Building Chair: Russell Marcks

Membership Chair: Brenda Marcks

Webmaster: Sue Henry

I-LYA Liaison: Don Petsch

Ship’s Stores Coordinator: Marge Gross

Blue Gavel: George Harizal

Sunshine: Kim Hannig

Welcome the Bridge and Officers of 2023

Commodore: Rick Billheimer

Vice Commodore: Brenda Marcks

Rear Commodore: Art Harden 

Past Commodore: Janell Lundgren

Trustee: Chuck Rauch

Trustee: Brian Homer

Trustee: John Liederbach

Trustee: Kurt Hannig

Secretary: Janice Hearst

Treasurer: Peter Rao

Social: Jessie Homer

Cruise Director: Marianne Eggett

Racing Director: TBD

Building Chair: Russell Marcks

Membership Chair: Brenda Marcks

Webmaster: Chris Malott

I-LYA Liaison: Larry Hurst

Ship’s Stores Coordinator: Carla Smith

Blue Gavel: George Harizal

And of course thank you to all members and their contributions to the club.


We need a Racing Director, or someone to run an individual race. If interested in getting more involved please contact me.

Sept Socials / Race Note

We are hopeful that long term members Bob and Jeannie (Past Commodore) Brandt will continue their membership with HBYC, but they have encouraged the Club to support other local charities. So, beginning this racing year Robbie's Regatta/Robbie's Voice charity will no longer be part of our September social. If you wish to continue to give to this charity, the website is  

We have selected the Boys and Girls Club of Sandusky to be our 2023 September charity.  It’s local to Sandusky and it involves youth, that is why it was selected.  We will as a group decide if this or another charity will continue to be our ongoing charity.  If you have any suggestions for future charities, please let us know.

Looking at “Girls and Boys Let’s Race”  for the race battle cry, This is still a work in progress.

Power Boat Poker Runs 

This year we are going to have a power boat poker run that may or may not be dinghy friendly. Details to be announced once we figure them out.  We will also see if other Clubs in the bay would like to join in. 


The lease is set for 2023. SHM has told us that the club is an important part of the marina and wants us to stay and we are working with SHM to secure a new lease for future years.  

The landscape of SHM has changed over the last year: new office, committee room, exercise room. new storage building and the old storage building removed, and HBYC is going to benefit from all this.  Not only do we now have a view of the bay but our green space in front of the Clubhouse is increasing.  We will have more details at the Winter Rendezvous.   We need to brainstorm on how we are going to use this space and what amenities we would like to see in this space (examples: a Bocce Ball court, a pergola, insert your suggestion here). HBYC’s investment in these green space amenities will be factored into the new lease.


FOB’s - Marina Access

We realize this is a passionate subject for our club and concerns have not been taken lightly. The changes have been in effect for about a year now. We have discussed this subject at length with marina management and the following information is to provide a clear and concise communication.  

First, regardless of your FOB access or if you forgot/lost your FOB  You can call the marina 419-627-1201 (ring the gate once it’s hooked up to the new office), or phone a friend to access the club house.  Every member still has access to the club house.

  • If a HBYC member docks and winter stores at SHM, they have full access to the property during the Summer and access to the property during the winter hours. (see below for Winter / Hours of operation) 

  • If a HBYC member uses SHM to dock during the Summer, but stores elsewhere during the Winter, they have access to the property during the Summer. Access to the clubhouse during Winter months could be attained by contacting the office to open the gate during marina office hours. 

  • If a HBYC member uses SHM to store their boat during the Winter, but docks elsewhere during the Summer, they have full access to the property during the Winter Hours. Access to the clubhouse during Summer months could be attained by contacting the marina office to open the gate.

The Winter (November 1 - April 1) FOB hours of the marina are 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM on Monday - Friday and 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM on weekends.  FOBs will not open the gate past the designated times.  

NOTE : FOB hours and marina office hours are slightly different.  After these specified hours during the winter, the marina is closed. All should be off the property at that time. unless pre arrangements have been made.

Access to all will be provided for HBYC club sanctioned events.

And again HBYC members can (ring the gate once it’s hooked up to the new office), or call the marina or phone a friend to access the club house.  Every member still has access to the Club house.

NOTE: We shared this information to provide communication, The clubhouse of HBYC is located on the premises of Sandusky Harbor Marina. The operation of the gate is the sole responsibility of Sandusky Harbor Marina.

We do realize that this may affect our membership numbers. If this is the reason you are not renewing your membership let us know. 

Final Note

30 years ago In 1993, SHM Marina Manager Pete Pftzenmayer had an idea. Why not create an ILYA recognized Yacht Club as part of the Sandusky Harbor Marina?  Harbor Bay Yacht Club’s first official meeting was in 1995. We have stood the test of time with many different managers and owners and we are here to stay.    HBYC has a lot to offer, Cruising, Racing, Socials, and a great club house.  I-LYA, long term lasting friendships, shared wisdom, helping each other and soon AYC benefit’s.   I believe that HBYC is the glue that creates long term SHM Dockers and that SHM realizes HBYC’s importance to the marina and is very supportive.

Thank you, It's going to be a great year !! 

Rick Billheimer,  HBYC Commodore 2023

“Believe in 23!”

If you wish to contact me directly, texting works the best. 419-606-0499

Commodore's Corner - February, 2022

Happy February!  For those of you who were at the Winter Rendezvous at the Mohican Lodge, you know what a wonderful job our now Vice Commodore, Rick Billheimer, did in planning and executing this year’s Winter Rendezvous.  It was an excellent combination of fun and education.  We had the opportunity to check out another part of the beautiful state of Ohio and learn about some of the local luminaries and history.  We learned about Louis Bromfield and Malabar Farm as well as Pleasant Hill Lake and Dam.  We also learned about a shipwreck (The Anthony Wayne) in Lake Erie. Past Commodore Ed Kolp provided us with a historical look on humble beginnings of the Harbor Bay Yacht Club.  This overview made me, for one, realize how much we are in debt to all those hardworking HBYC founders who got the club off the ground and formed into the foundation of the HBYC of today.  On Sunday, those of us who took the opportunity to go to the Ohio Reformatory had an incredible tour of this piece of Ohio history and Hollywood filming.  It was REALLY cool.

Soon, we will start the spring launch and boating season 2022 will begin.  It will be earlier this year, starting April 4th.  Jared Pavlek provided us with updates on the progress of construction (and demolition) projects over the winter.  It looks like we have a lot to look forward to, very exciting times!

We also will have the schedule of socials, cruises and races for this year posted on the website very soon.  Rear Commodore Brenda Marcks, Social Chair Jesse Homer, Racing Chair Past Commodore Larry Hurst and Cruising Co-Chairs Janet and John Hukill have some wonderful things planned for us in 2022.  Make sure you leave some room on your boating season calendar for these activities. 

Rear Commodore Brenda is making arrangements for the Commodore’s Brunch in April.  We will give you further details when we have them.  In the meantime, have a safe and enjoyable winter until we can see each other, together again, at the Commodore’s Brunch. 

Fair winds and following seas,   Commodore Janell

A Message from the Commodore

Message from the Commodore                                                     October 4, 2021

Greetings to all.  Our Robby’s Voice Charity fundraiser turned out to be a great day for the charity and HBYC.  We were able to donate $1430 with our race and social events, and coupled with a marina donation of $2000, we made an outstanding contribution to Robby’s Voice.  Many thanks to Genie Barthelman and her team for a great social dinner and entertainment, Don Petsch and Mike Zofchak for conducting the Reverse Raffle, and Larry Hurst, Art Harden, and Russ Marcks for conducting Robby’s Regatta. We had 3 visitors race with us, and with great winds it made for exciting racing.   The race results are posted on the HBYC website.

With a few more fall sailing days available to us, most people are starting to wind up the season with haul out tasks.  The clubhouse will be open all year for your use.  Periodic cleaning will be scaled back in the mid-November timeframe along with the usual winter preparation of the facilities.

Special thanks to Pat and Jim Altherr for taking charge of the shed cleanout.  The shed was used to store HBYC decorations, etc. and some marina items.  These items are being disposed of and the shed will be moved.  It will be used to store racing equipment.  Thanks again to Pat and Jim for helping with this task.

The HBYC leadership team is already planning for next year.  Janell, Rick, and Brenda are putting together the calendar and events for 2022.  Save the date for the HBYC Winter Rendezvous, January 28-30, 2022.  Detailed information will be sent out soon. 

Please don’t forget to checkout the HBYC website ( for the latest in scheduled events and to find the online link to the Ship’s Stores for HBYC apparel.  Limited apparel, such as hats and shirts, are in the clubhouse display case. Check it out!  

As your 2021 Commodore, I want to thank the HBYC leadership team for their support and hard work this past year.  We accomplished a fun season of cruising, racing, and social events.  Our membership stands at 120 members and our financial position is strong going into 2022.  The marina has many new capital improvements in progress.  It has been a privilege to serve you, and I am excited about what’s coming in 2022.

Tim Kemerley

Commodore 2021

Message from the Commodore                                                     August, 2021

Greetings to all.  We had a great day on August 14.  The Fun race was a success.  The wind picked up and made for an exciting race.  Waypoint 2, Hopes End, and Finally finished at the top with 10 boats participating.  Thank you, Larry Hurst.

We enjoyed a steak cookout social, and entertainment provided by Matt Goodrich.  Thanks to Genie Barthelman and her team.  This was a complicated social to conduct with the timing of the food.  We received many compliments for a great evening.  Special thanks to Nick Lewis and his grilling team consisting of Sharon Meszaros, Kathy and Joe Szabo, and Marc Phillips.     We are looking forward to our next September 3 cruise to Vermilion.  It is always a good time and one of the highlights of the HBYC boating season 

Our next and final race and social event will be September 18, beginning with the Robby’s Voice Regatta.  The Membership Meeting at 4:30pm will be followed by a social and entertainment by Erin Krebs playing the steel drums.  The evening will conclude with our famous reverse raffle with the proceeds going to the Robby’s Voice charity.  Get your dinner and raffle tickets ASAP from Genie. 

Please bring any donated Reverse Raffle prizes to the HBYC clubhouse as soon as possible.  The more prizes we collect, the more exciting the raffle will be.  This is a great time so please support this great charity. 

Part of HBYC’s mission is to provide safety and education events.  On August 15, 16 members attended a short course on how to use our clubhouse Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and best practices in performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).  Thanks to Drs. Lundgren and Hitch for supporting the event.  This is probably something that should be repeated on a yearly basis.

On Saturday morning, August 28, we held a membership drive at the marina pavilion.  We had a table with literature and a sign. It was lightly attended, with one prospective member who plans to join and one interested person who took the literature.  Thanks to Nick Lewis for helping with the event.

Please don’t forget to checkout the HBYC website ( for the latest in scheduled events and to find the online link to the Ship’s Stores for HBYC apparel.  Thanks to Marge Gross for ordering new HBYC hats and shirts for the clubhouse display case – check it out! Tim Kemerley

New Bridge Nominations

Your nominating committee, which consists of all Past Commodores, have nominated the following persons for consideration to serve on next year's bridge.

Tom Ketchem Trustee, 2yr Term
Chuck Rauch Trustee, 2yr Term

These two individuals replace Joe Ziarko who is completing a two-year term, and Chuck Rauch who is finishing a one-year term for Rear Commodore Rick Billheimer.

The nominee for Rear Commodore is Brenda Marcks.

Nominees will be presented for election during the membership meeting this Saturday. The election can only occur with a quorum. A quorum is the attendance of at least one qualified representative from 25 member boats. Please attend the membership meeting to cast your vote.

Successful nominees will take office on 1 Jan 22 with formal installation occurring during Winter Rendezvous.

Russell Marcks
Past Commodore

Message from the Commodore

Greetings to all.  We had a great day on July 10.  The Stein Hospice Race in the Bay was a great success.  The wind picked up and made for an exciting race.  Thank you, Larry Hurst. We enjoyed a fun social including a chicken dinner and entertainment by Babes in Black.  The best thing was that we raised close to $1200 for Stein Hospice.  Thanks to Genie Barthelman and her team.   Cruising has been going well with a lot of boats participating and with more to come.  Check the website schedule.  Our next race and social event will be on August 14 with a fun race, a steak roast, and entertainment by Matt Goodrich performing country music.  Get your tickets ASAP from Genie.  There will be a 4pm Membership meeting at the clubhouse.

Part of HBYC’s mission is to provide safety and education events.  I have planned one for Sunday 15 August at 1100am right after VC Janell Lundgren’s yoga class.  The event will be a short refresher on how to specifically use our clubhouse Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and best practices in performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).  This is not a certification course, but an informal update.  It will last about 45 minutes and include a short video.   If you want to try CPR, I will have a manikin available to use.  Please join me for the program.

Please don’t forget to checkout the HBYC website ( for the latest in scheduled events and to find the online link to the Ship’s Stores for HBYC apparel.     

Please stay tuned for more updates.

Tim Kemerley
